Dehydration: signs, causes, and tips to drink more water

does alcohol dehydrate you

Sugary drinks, like soda, can also lead to fluid loss in the gut and negatively affect kidney health. Your kidneys are essential to maintaining hydration because they control urine output. Studies show that rehydrating with soda after intensive exercise in the heat can damage the kidneys and cause acute kidney injury. A good way to limit your overall alcohol consumption, and thus limit alcohol’s dehydrating effects, is to alternate alcoholic drinks with glasses of water.

  • In addition to limiting certain foods and drinks, you can eat more hydrating foods, like fruits and vegetables, and drink adequate amounts of water to maintain optimal hydration.
  • Alcohol affects various physiological functions and interferes with urine production, fluid regulation, and electrolyte balance, all of which are crucial for maintaining proper hydration.
  • If you’re being sick or have diarrhoea and are losing too much fluid, you need to put back the sugar, salts and minerals your body has lost.
  • “The best beverages to rehydrate with should include electrolytes like sodium and potassium, as well as calories from carbs, proteins or fats to help the fluids be absorbed into the cells,” Pfau says.

Fever: Having a fever can lead to dehydration through increased sweating.

So, it’s important to watch out for signs that you’re not drinking enough water. This can be from not drinking enough water or when you lose water quickly from sweating, vomiting or diarrhea and don’t match the losses. When you’re dehydrated, you have a lack of water in your body and it doesn’t have enough water to perform its necessary functions. Still, enjoying these drinks in moderation and pairing them with other beverages in your diet, such as water, is unlikely to cause dehydration.

  • And while the non-alcoholic fluids in beer, wine, and liquor are inherently hydrating, they’re not necessarily hydrating enough to offset the effects of alcohol-induced dehydration.
  • Excessive drinking can also lead to a buildup of a toxic substance called acetaldehyde.
  • Not all fluids are hydrating, and drinking sugary drinks, sodas, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages can impact the body’s fluid balance and cause dehydration.
  • Dehydration is caused when you are not consuming enough fluids to replace your fluid losses.
  • The easiest way to do this is to stop dehydration before it starts — and, no, that doesn’t mean you have to give up happy hour altogether.

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If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see the National Library of Medicine’s list of signs you need emergency medical attention or call 911. Reaching for hydrating beverages is the best way to alleviate a hangover’s unpleasant effects does alcohol dehydrate you — but not every liquid fits this bill. If you stop making urine, your urine is very dark, or you have symptoms that are bad enough to impact your normal functions, go to an urgent care or emergency room for treatment and fluid replacement.

Tips to Prevent Alcohol Dehydration

does alcohol dehydrate you

However, the effects of certain types of alcohol may differ, as drinking 2 servings of beer did not have a significant effect (11, 12). Coffee, tea, and soda contain caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant that acts as a natural diuretic to increase urine production (1). It is important to note that having higher blood sugar from consuming very sugary drinks may encourage the body to eliminate the excess sugar but may not necessarily cause dehydration. Liquor tends to have a much higher alcohol content and significantly less liquid than other alcoholic drinks, which can contribute to dehydration.

Other Tips for Staying Hydrated

does alcohol dehydrate you

Moderating your intake of the beverages listed above and drinking plenty of water can help prevent dehydration. Listening to your body and learning to recognize signs of dehydration can also be beneficial. According to a small study in 11 men, consuming beer with a 5% alcohol content after exercise increased urine output significantly more than consuming a sports drink did (10).

does alcohol dehydrate you

It’s important to ask your healthcare provider about the medicines you take and whether they can increase your risk of dehydration. If your sweat output exceeds your fluid intake, you can become dehydrated. The rate people sweat and the composition of their sweat (how much sodium and other electrolytes) can vary widely.

Coffee, tea, and soda

does alcohol dehydrate you

Generally, the higher the alcohol content of a beverage, the more dehydrating it can be. A bottle of whiskey on the mountain after a full day of skiing and snowboarding sounds like a dream. If you’re drinking at altitude (and you’re not used to it!) remember that dehydration is a much bigger concern. Above 5,000 feet elevation, your body can lose fluids almost twice as fast as it can at sea level. Do you regularly get dehydrated from alcohol, sports, and high altitude?

does alcohol dehydrate you

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